When my family first moved from (South) Jersey to Rhode Island, I think my teacher got annoyed with me on my first day of class.

While we were reading something, she called out "Mack". A few seconds later: "Mack". Then "Mack, are you ignoring me?".

I looked up to see her staring straight at me.

I've been in new England since 1976, and I STILL think the New England accents are funny.

Pock yu cah in da K-Maht Pockin' Lot. Wicked Pissah. South Boston has a dialect all it's own.

New Hampshire and Maine have a drawl from the old timers as well, though it's not really heard among those under 50~70 too much.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::