I have a 50" Panny and with my stand, there is no room underneath for a center speaker - it'll be filled up with electronics. If I place it on the wall behind the TV, the speaker won't be even with the screen (it will be slightly behind it). I have about 9" on each side of the TV so I thought that would be the easy way out. I have read the 2 or 3 threads on using the M22 as vertical centers and I guess it would be a try it and see how it sounds situation. I think I'll look at center channel stands and see if I can get on that will sit on the TV stand behind the TV so I can use the #150. It would have either to have an adjustable height feature or be the exact length. Thanks.

Last edited by oldschool; 02/12/09 04:15 PM.

Just getting set up. I have a 2309 and 2 3-way 1970's giant bookshelfs with 12" woofers.