I'm not so sure that Axiom isn't already offering the best option: real-world samples of the finish in question.

Although I'm certainly attracted to sites that have gorgeous photography, it's really not the most accurate way for people to see color. Monitors, if not calibrated, will each show the photographs differently. And although a real-room photo of the side of a speaker with a highlight reflect will show the difference between a matte, semi-gloss or gloss finish, people can have a hard time putting two and two together.

"Hmmm, I think I like the Walnut with the Bordeaux stain, but in trying to decide on the semi-gloss or gloss, the photos are of a Cherry speaker with cinnamon stain".

There are SO many combinations of wood, stain and then gloss level, that photographing real-world speakers would be near impossible. Axiom would have to build these one-offs, photograph them, then cannibalize them or, in essence, throw them out. Don't forget the custom grill cloth colors, too.

I think Axiom would benefit from some nice photos of Axioms in real-world, attractive settings. Probably part of the reason they've never done that is that they don't spring for nice photos for magazine ads.

But to cover all the options that they have available, and not have issues with a customer who wrongly-ordered a custom finish on $4K worth of speakers because he's using a poorly calibrated monitor, I think sending an actual sample of the actual finish is the best that could reasonably be done.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::