I don't mind you asking..my list has grown and changed considerably as I've gone along.

At this point, this is what I'd do if I could start writing checks NOW :

Pioneer 55TXi (Receiver)
Denon DVD-5900 (DVD)
Denon DCM-380 (5 disc changer..my poor wife's one request!)
Axiom M22i(2), QS8(2), VP150(1)
HSU VTF-2(1)
BenQ PE8700 (Front Projector)
Screen of some sort (For whatever reason this has been the hardest for me to research and understand...but I do recognize it's IMPORTANCE)
Sony HD-300 (Directv HDTV Receiver)
Tivo (still figuring out model etc)
DVI Switcher (to accomodate the HDTV receiver and the 5900. If I'm spending that kind of $$..what's a couple hundred bucks to make sure they can both take full advantage of their technology?)
Cables galore, stands of some sort for at least the front speakers, AV cabinet to hold all of this..

About the only thing that would carry over from my old setup would be my PS2

I shouldn't have said all my stuff is garbage, I bought a 32 inch Sony WEGA a couple of years ago that I have tweaked through the service menu and gets as good a picture as it's source will allow. I bought this tv with the idea that it would be a nice family room TV for a lot of years and would be replaced with something bigger. But for someone that loves music like I do, I've shortchanged myself in that area.

I'm not locked into any of this, but a lot of good people on various forums have provided a lot of advice, and in all honesty they've been more effective at selling than most of the salespeople I've tried to work with!


My M60's make me listen
My M80's make my ears hear
Either way - I'm not deaf anymore