Rick wanted pictures….

I ended up using some ½” birch plywood for the frame. No particular reason other than that’s what I had on hand. I just cut rabbits with the table saw and dado blade, then used ¼” narrow crown staples and glue. I wanted the traps to fit snug, but be removable. That’s why they are 45’d. As luck would have it, receptacles are in the way, so I had to cut windows in the frame for those.

I cut the insulation with the tables saw. It cut easier than I thought it would. The fibers didn’t go all over the place either. I used 2” thick un-faced and 2” thick foil faced.

After the frames were stuffed with insulation, I rapped them in black felt. The felt does two things, 1) keeps the fibers contained 2) softens the corners for the fabric.

I had to make some stands for the traps that would keep them from toppling over.

For fabric, I ended up with the same material that Carharts are made of.

I got lucky with the color. The traps match my room color exactly. I couldn't have planned that if I tried.

I had to remove the surround back speakers. I was useing M3's. I have some QS8's on order. I plan to move the surround speakers toward the front of the room two feet as well. I screwed up when I ran the wire for those, placing them too far back, plus, the window and door are right where I want the speakers to be. I have some Axiom ceiling brackets on order and will hang the Q's.