Yes, I've had my DLP professionally calibrated and, though it costs more than I like, I consider the expense well worth it (YMMV). My initial thoughts were not what I would call night and day. I even thought the TV too dark at first. But, as time went by, I began to notice subtle improvements. The picture just seemed more natural; more realistic; more like looking through a window rather than looking at a video screen (varies with source quality, of course).

My recommendation is to contact several other respected calibrators, explain the green tint and, without mentioning what Doug Blackburn had to say about it, ask them if they think calibration would solve the problem, or if the TV itself has a problem which needs service. If other calibrators give you a reply similar to Doug's, then I would think a professional calibration would be worth it to you.

You can search for ISF calibrators near you at the ISF Web Site. You can also search for calibrators at the usual forums. Be sure any calibrator you use is ISF trained.

I can personally recommend the guys from Lion Audio Video Consultants. My TVs have been calibrated by Gregg Loewen. He is a regular particpant at the Home Theater Forum and really knows his stuff. He tours annually to Maritime Canada (December and July-August). If Peterborough is in Maritime Canada you may be able to get on his July-August tour.

If Greg can't do it, I know of others who use Michael Chen and have been happy with his work. His tour schedule is listed on the same web page as Greg's tours.

You can ask your green tint question using the form at the bottom of either gentleman's web page.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton