Thanks for all the great info! I was going to use some left over coax from installing my DRTV so its def the RG6 and it might even be the QS stuff. So I am going to go that route with RCA ends on it.

I dont know how long the run will be but id guess between 50 and 100' after I tuck it out the way in the attic.

As for hooking it up to the garage receiver...I dont know if it has amplifier inputs....I was just going to go from the pre-outs to like the CD input on the back of the garage receiver. Then put it on CD and use the volume knob. Wont this work??

And yes I NOW know about the conversion for the zone thing. ITs funny because for the longest time I couldn't get my zone 2 working because of it lol. I have my DRTV going to the receiver via HDMI and like to listen to the music channels. I could not get it to work no matter what setting I used on the receiver....then I wasnt sure if I had it plugged into the right term's on the back. So I had to mess with it here and there when I had time. Then one time I had the speaker wires on one spk term set and one on the other and finally got one to work. I thought I had it fixed up and moved the other set of spk wires to the term I knew was working. Then for a party I! Turns out that night I got it to work I was using the CD player to test it (RCA cables) then for the party I wanted to use my DRTV music (HDMI). So I now have it figured out and just ran another set of RCA's from the DRTV box to the it all works.