Originally Posted By: LucRaymond


...passing cables... sounds like a long painful process.
(sick minds, sick sick sick)

I hate passing cables, it's the worst part. I hate going in the attic but I didn't really have much choice.

I will probably need to pass cables between the living room and the basement.

Oh man, that's bad when you can't even make it to the bathroom in time. That's the worst!

I intend to hook more power amps and that would requires bringing power from a different circuit. The light already starting dimming when I crank the volume near 0db. This seems like a good warning not to add anything else on that circuit.

Which lights dim? Room lights or lights on your amp(s) or AVR/Prepro? Good luck cleaning the mess between the livingroom and basement. <channeling Mark... g e t o u t o f m y head M a r k ! >


"In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they're not."