Thought you guys might be interested in seeing another new sub. The designer/maker is Dave who posts at many forums under the name of Bossobass. For years he has been designing, constructing, and installing custom systems including his passion, subwoofers. The Raven may or may not be commercially produced (he's seriously considering it).

He's been getting in room response as low as 5Hz.

Here is a thread about this sub over at the Tweak City Audio forum (TCA is Craigsub's company) which contains a lot more info. Dave starts posting on page 3 and there are more pics on page 4.

Learned of a new sub today


1. I have recently joined TCA and will be working alongside Ray (Ray3 on both forums) in the service and sales departments

2. I have no connection whatsoever with Point.One technologies (Dave's company). However, I did have the pleasure of once meeting Dave in person. I found him to be terrifically knowledgeable and a very nice guy.



"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton