JohnK: lol! Axioms should hire you on staff ... at least for advertising/marketing manager.
So if money was not an object you would still pick the M80's over the lot above?

Mike: Its Christmas season so either the kids or family is taking his time. Or he is looking at that GR Research ALphas before he goes for the Maggies...or we should really not care because if we did we must have really boring or pathetic lives.
I tried some 2nd to the top Ultra XLO jumper wires in place of the silver surfers for the tweeter attunuator for a week and I still think my DIY(Do it Yourself) pure silver cables are cheaper and sound better. I'll let it go for another week or two and put back the silver wires. That XLO jumpers was a waste of $110 cdn.
Hey Mike this is for the MG1.6QR which resembles almost like the MG20 and most probably like our MG12

But we know what we would pick.

Peter: That Silverline even looks better than the Maggies. Thats scary.