Originally Posted By: SRoode
(PS-We finally cracked open the Absinthe last weekend for a poker night... Tastes like Ouzo, only MUCH smoother)

Yes while in Italy we actually bought a bottle of Absinthe and tried it out. You are correct, I thought it tasted exactly like Sambuka (same as Ouzo) as well. I couldn't figure out the directions on the box of what to do with that little spoon that comes with it though because the instructions were in Italian. It looked like you put a sugar cube on it, poured water over it, then lit it on fire... did your bottle come with that spoon or the directions on what you're supposed to do?

...new amps are in eh? Hmmm... I may have to come give my opinion on how much different they sound! lol

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD