I’ve been buying BR and HD/DVD from the beginning. I think I have around 500 now. I haven’t watched a regular DVD in a long time. The other day I was onto disk 3, season one of the Tudors, and broke the damn thing getting it out of the case. Too embarrassed to ask Amazon to replace it, I rented it on DVD (net flicks). YUK!! No comparison whatsoever. The Tudors BR’s have some of the most vivid colors I’ve ever seen. The DVD just flat out sucked. It’s been my experience that just about every BR is much better than DVD with very few exceptions. If there’s a few favorite DVD’s you own, don’t waste time thinking about it, just buy the BR. You won’t regret it. I started to put together a list of what DVD’s I’ve replaced and not regretted it, and gave up. They’re all that good in one way or other. If it isn’t the video quality, it’s the sound.