Originally Posted By: Micah
Those wiley ol studio's and their tricks. I wonder just how long it's going to take them to render 1080p 'yesterdays news' and double or triple the resolution? I mean after all house hold tv's went a whopping... what, 50 years? Before they finally upped standard resolution first to 1080i and now 1080p. But my guess is in todays ever changing digital world 1080p isn't going to stick around as 'King of the Hill' for that long. I give it a good ten year run max before 'Blu-squared-Ray takes over, or something similar.

Can you imagine the day our grandchild says, "grampa what's this"? And we say, "oh that's a Blu-Ray disc. We used to watch movies from these". And they giggle and say, "wow, you really are old grampa".

That day is coming, believe it or not.

I'm guessing the next gen evolution for tv will be 3D based, like holographic imaging.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."