Can't imagine what it's like to lose a pet dog, having only had pets that fit in an aquarium or cage. The last pet I had was a Peking Robin who lived for over 15 yrs, which wasn't too bad considering most of them die at around 5 yrs, but it was heartbreaking to see him go.

Usually, as a wee lad, I used to catch my own pets and bring them home proudly to show my mother..."this snake here is a red bellied snake and these 4 are garter snakes" or I'd catch some turtles(painted and snapping) and bring them home. She was a good sport actually, as long as they were kept in an aquarium on the porch she was OK with it. Usually after a week or two we'd let them go then try and catch something else.

Ok....I know this thread is for the dogs...carry on...

Half of communication is listening. You can't listen with your mouth.