Well my reading told me that putting up fiberboards on the front wall and first reflection zones really made a difference. I looked at sirquacks thread and that looked super simple for something looking very very nice -- thanks for the good write-up

Just to explain. My front wall has a window and then a ledge that is 45 inches high. So i am going to cover the window with plywood for total blackout (no window sill so I can get it in there). Then I was going to do the false wall for two things 1) Hang the screen on and build it out in the corners and put the speakers there and basically frame in the screen if that makes sense.

Now two issues -- 1) if I do the bass traps in the corners then the speakers will be pretty darn close to them. Which is worse no bass traps or no space behind the speakers?

2) What material are you guys using up front around your screen? I guess the black material around the screen doesn't need to pass the "breathing test" -- you agree? If it does then how do you cover up behind so you don't see right through?
