I must have taken my 'STOOOPID' pill today, it took me 15 minutes to figure out what the heck 'KCUF' meant! lol

But seriously, the matter at hand... that really is a bummer dude! I hate when I do clumbsy stuff like that, nothing gets my goat more than myself doing something thoughtless and accidentally breaking/scratching/denting/scuffing something of value. For instance, when I first got my Emotiva amp, I was carrying the monster back into the HT closet. I lifted it over the M80 that stands 2 feet from the door, but didn't lift it up quite high enough to clear the top of the speaker. Consequently the corner (very sharp) of the amp caught the Axiom and put a little gouge in it. Oh God, you would have thought I'd just ran over my dog I reacted so strongly. Looking back it was quite an over reaction on my part, I took a black 'Sharpie' and colored in the small nick. And now, even if I offered up $20 bucks to the first person to find the blemish without any knowledge of it what-so-ever, it would take a good 10 minutes of studying the speaker carefully, before anyone would ever find it. I mean you can't even tell when standing right beside it, nevermind when you're half way across the room sitting on the couch, where anyone who's ever going to be in this room will most likely be. So there really was no need to kick myself so hard over it. But it's the fact that had I just lifted the amp a half an inch higher in the first place, or hey, maybe even move the darn speaker out of the way right.... then it wouldn't have happened.

But that's always the way I've been when I've done something stupid. I hold my kids to high standards, by myself to even higher standards. So when I go and do something I would have yelled at my kids for doing, then I usually cuss myself out even worse! ;\)


Last edited by Micah; 09/02/09 11:59 PM.

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD