So now I find myself (again) in the position of wanting to "upgrade" my sub (EP350). I keep hearkening back to LotR on Jay's PB13. I really enjoyed that secondary deep thud from Sauron's death that I don't get at all from the 350.

Alas, I really don't want to spend the $2k for the 13. Living in BFN Canada my main options are back to the SVS PC-12plus ($1200) or the EP 500 ($1150 FO with audition coupon or about $600 with 350 trade in). Or maybe a 'Digm DSP (haven't heard how low they go). I'm really only looking for the deep low end in movies. Now I know Jay has opined that the PB12 NSD was a bit too punchy and maybe not the greatest for music, any idea if the 12Plus does a better job with this? Even if it doesn't do well with music I can still use the 350 for that.

Trying to get good comparisons on AVSForum really runs into the fanboy club. I find I only use the site for troubleshooting these days.

M80s/VP160/QS8s/EP350; M22s; M3s.