I am still laughing: "invert the house."

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I apologize for not responding any sooner but I have been working on a major hardware/software upgrade at work that has required much more time than I would like. \:\( luckily, I think we have everything sorted out and I can now get back to something I am more interested in!

I have taken a look at the brackets and the way the speakers mount in them and I do not see any reason they wont work - right-side-up or otherwise.... so, I will be attempting the inverted speaker placement.

As stated in a previous post... I am sure they will sound incredible in either configuration. ( I have them sitting on the floor right now - just to get a sense of what they sound like and it is overwhelming) I am coming from a JBL HLS setup that is quite old - though sounding well enough. - I was ready for an upgrade.

BTW I have an HK AVR 354 (upgraded from an AVR 300) driving them and I couldn't be more impressed with the sound.

Thanks to all and I will report in on my final impressions (and pictures) once I get everything finished.

Best regards to all,

- John