Country "music" = Yuck!

Just my opinion, as I know quite a few people that like it. I would just rather have someone hit a note spot on the first time and not "hunt" around for it while the geetar (yup, just like it looks, not guitar) twangs away with slinding notes of pure nastiness.

To me, just about anyone can "sing" country. Some people are better than others at just singing and I wish that they would leave the country music to the people that like the twang.

I know, there are all of these "cross-over" singers, and the "new stuff isn't like the old stuff" arguments, but I'll never like it. So if you enjoy it, that is awesome! At least is isn't (not that I have heard) about beating and killing people, qwearing every 2 seconds, and so forth like some of the cRAP music out there.

Farewell - June 4, 2020