I have to agree that the samples are their best bet, though I do appreciate the new home offer! \:\)

As was said, the problem is that you can calibrate an image to get the color correct on the server end, but you can't control what everyone elses' monitors look like. And you know, lots of people will order a $7K system based on a photo and return it because they "thought it would be a little more/less orange/brown/yellow/red/dark/light". Then Axiom is eating enormous shipping costs.

Or, some people won't return them but they'll never quite be satisfied with the purchase either.

My guess is that most people would really only need 1-5 samples and, if I'm not mistaken, that cost is refunded when the samples are returned.

There's no substitute for seeing the actual wood with the actual stain with the actual gloss choice under YOUR lighting in YOUR home.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::