Originally Posted By: Stereoguy99
Hi Adrian: ILMAO!!! No his name is not Hugh!!! By the way over at that site it is now forbidden to compare Axiom's to Paradigm's!!! talk about the "darkside"!!!

You’re being remiss in your duty to keep us up on any entertaining things your friend does. So here’s the link to the thread you posed earlier with the other thread merged into it.


Interesting that as soon as someone said something positive about Axiom speakers is when he closed the thread.

What’s even more interesting is how the other day I took Axiom to task for not updating their site in relation to the EP500. Funny not only didn’t’ I get banned but I got thanked by the Admin both publicly and in a P.M. Also, even though that thread had some unflattering comments about Axiom it still hasn’t been closed.

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