Hi all,

Let me give you guys a guaranteed fix for any computer software problem on a Windows machine.

It is guaranteed to solve all computer software problems, every time without fail.

The command is Fdisk. It blows away your disk partitions.

No Software, no Problems.

If you really must have software, try installing Linux or the Mac OS. Both have come a really long way and neither OS is targeted anywhere near as much by viruses etc (although you should still have something protecting you. Unprotected internet access is synonymous with unsafe sex).

And if accessing MS office documents and making changes is a concern, you can get Office for the Mac, or you can download Openoffice for free which will do just about anything a home user would want (in fact many businesses use it now too).

Honestly, the only windows I have at home that is owned by me are the ones with curtains around them.

Now this is how you learn Philosophy :
