1- boston cherry

2- yes, even though the boston cherry looks really nice, I would get the warm cherrywood.

3- yes! my listening position is not suited for floorstanders at all, but i still want the M60's. Either have two sets of speakers in my room (actually it would be 3, I have an old pair of acoustic research speakers), or lend them to my parents for watching movies and tv (I live in the same house, so I'd still get use out of them). I also would like the QS8's... and a VP150... and maybe a matching adive rava to ballance the setup. I always think about upgrading my amp too, a Kenwood V-405. I really can't complain at all about the quality or features, it works nicely actually.. but I can't help but feel that its not as good as it should be for the Axioms.

Anyways, I need to save money now, so probably none of those upgrades will come any time soon.