1 What finish do you have on your axioms?

2 If you could, would you choose a different finish?

3 Do you have upgraditis? What do you think will cure your upgraditis?

1 Black Oak

2 When I ordered my m60s I got one boston cherry and one beech. A humorous slip up at the factory. After sending them both back I got two black oaks. So having seen those three Id say I really liked the cherry, but the wife said black. What can I say, they could be pink for all I care as long as they sound good and she lets me have them.

3 Major upgraditis, and Im afraid its contagious. Everyone that comes and checks out my HT gets it too. I have a 55 inch Mitz wide screen, Yamaha 1400, M60s, VP150, QS-8s and SVS 20-39. I just know if I could get a pair of M2s for the rears and another pair of M2s for the presence in front that I could curb my appetite for a 65 inch Mitz...pretty sure anyways.