Both the Outlaw LFM-1 Plus and the Paradigm DSP3200 have been added to the list. I think of these two the better choice (at least on paper) is the Outlaw, and it's below my budget number. I'm not a big fan of working with dealers anymore (thanks Axiom & Aperion)) so there's that nagging "mark up" with Paradigm I need to deal with. Down to least as of this moring: Outlaw LFM-1, HSU VFT-1 and Aperion Bravus 8D. Can I get some love for the Outlaw anyone?

M22V3/M3ti/M2V3/Omega Super 5/Aperion 5C/OutlawLFM1+Sub/Denon AVR1906/YamDVDC750/AS AMP110