Originally Posted By: wordgasm
 Originally Posted By: oldskoolboarder
Looks like there's a few Squeezebox remotes in the app store.

There are SqueezeBox remotes for Android (not there yet, I'm a Droid user,only your local music... but I haven't checked back in on them in a month or two) and I think some for the iPhone that work (ipeng?).

I'd say not long from now, control it by most anything.

UPDATE: There is an app for android phones that has greatly improved "Squeeze Commander" and does all the squeezebox duet functions as the duet wifi controller, only about 5 times better and faster than the duet controller (you can search with the droid keyboard, and has the option to mute the volume by a % if your phone rings, pretty cool!).

You can buy the Duet receiver for $150.00, $4.00 for the android program (or use ipeng for Iphone and the like) and you are good to go!

Last edited by wordgasm; 04/03/10 09:14 PM.

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