I dunno about HD porn. High resolution views of razor burns, butt pimples and other unmentionable appendages rendered a bit too life-like might be too much in Blu-ray...

I do kinda miss the 1980's video porn though. That was the last time the girls were actually pretty and natural imho. No fake boobage or over shaved puddy tats for me. Anyone remember satellite (big dish) porn channels?

'70's porn is just awesome though. Shot on film like a real movie. And they would hilariously have a plot. John Holmes as a detective...

Girls in professional porn nowadays are usually pretty icky. They look more like drag queens after a bad night rather than a girl you'd like to _____. This whole plastic blonde stripper with bad boob jobs and bellybutton piercings is a more recent sad development.

I too, was also under the impression that internet porn has pretty much done to the porn industry what illegal downloads have done to the music industry.

Man, if I had grown up with unlimited access to internet porn I would have never gone outside when I was a boy!

And let's just say, if I was exposed at a tender young age to some of the deviant stuff that's out there on the 'tubes, I would be a lot more messed up than I already am...

Keeping a kid's innocence is a lot harder today.

Sneaking a Playboy or Club or Hustler was as bad as I got.

No internet porn or too realistic video games for this former Boy Scout, I'm glad I built tree forts and played "army" instead.

"Art is making something out of nothing and selling it."
---Frank Zappa