"With a new young one on the way, they will need their own system at some point.... "

Or alas, more likely they will destroy yours. The 3.5 year old has learned to turn the volume down instead of accidentally cranking it WAY up (a habit only moderately less annoying since she won't let me listen to anything at decent volume), but we're entering the "crawl, walk, grab grill" phase with 9-month-old #2. Fortunately if memory serves this will not last more than 6 months or so. Except #1 was a girl, so I have a feeling I have no idea what to expect this time around. Made me think more than once of wall mounting my M60s.


PS - Yes, your audition made me wish I'd tried out some Silver 6s or 8s just for fun, though I'm still very happy with my purchase as it all worked out.

"These go to eleven."