Originally Posted By: wid
 Originally Posted By: a401classic
My model has 4 fuses. A main high amp fuse which is easy to find, and 3 low amp fuses, not so easy to find. Axiom was kind enough to send me a few, but I chew through these little things at a phenomenal rate. I get them from Mcmaster.com stock #6978K744 for the 1/4 amp fuses.


If your sub is going through fuses like that why not contact Axiom for warranty service. That certainly can't be considered normal.

No, very not normal. It's even worse when I have the 12V trigger connected (so I have to turn on the sub manually - I need some form of exercise). I remember reading something here about a voltage mismatch between the Axiom amp and the Emo Pre-Pro with respect to the XLR connections. I don't think I can blame one company or the other for 2 standards existing, so I tolerate the fuse changes. I contacted Axiom quite some time ago when this first started happening and they didn't seem to be too concerned. Since no damage, that I can tell, is occurring in either unit, I'm not inclined to replace either one.

If I'm good about turning on the sub after turning on the pre-pre and turning off the sub before the pre-pre, I get a good 4-6 months out of the fuses. Sometimes its only one that pops, sometimes its 2, occasionally its all 3.

I can live with it... for now.

