Originally Posted By: HTGEEK
How far above the front speakers should you place your "height" speakers? Should they be directly above or set slightly to the inside of the front speakers...

I have the 4810.


Audyssey has very specific positioning guidelines for their DSX setup. The recommended position for the height speakers is 45 degrees off center, outboard of the corresponding mains and elevated 45 degrees above ear level.


Obviously few rooms are perfect enough to allow for “ideal placement. When I tested things in my room I found that even though Audyssey recommends direct radiating speakers in all positions that QS8 speakers sounded better as height speakers than the M22s. Also, I found the height speakers sounded better spread out to 45 degrees even though in my room that meant mounting them on the side walls instead of the front wall. Both the M22s and the QS8s sounded more enveloping spread out the recommended 45 degrees and outboard of the mains.

Also I found no difference in the quality of the sound coming from the heights whether the QS8s were mounted facing the listen possition or flat against the wall facing each other. That made mounting simple because I just used the supplied “T” bracket. OTOH the M22s needed to be angled toward the listening position to eek out their best performance as height speakers.

Obviously this is just my 2 cents, YMMV and all that.


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