Originally Posted By: Micah

should be pretty much obvious to everyone by now the way Hollywood portrays aliens. If in the beginning of the movie the aliens attack earth, then you can expect by the end of the movie we shall annihilate them. But if in the beginning of the movie the aliens come to earth peacefully (or by accident as is the case 50% of the time), then throughout most of the movie our military (which will be completely riddled with the biggest assholes this planet has ever seen) will try their damndest to annihilate the visitors, but will ultimately fail because the aliens are just too darn cute.

If there has been an alien movie made that didn't follow one of these two formula's, I haven't seen it.

“Men in Black” where we help (officially at least) the aliens who came here, but your point about how the stories usually run is well taken.

I agree that D9 was way overrated in getting an Oscar nomination. Which IMO it only received because it was an anti-apartheid movie in a quasi science fiction wrapper.

The thing that turned me off the most about D9 was the pseudo-documentary style. That makes it impossible for me to suspend disbelief and get involved in the story. I’d have rather watched a History Channel documentary on Apartheid since I would at least have come out of that more knowledgeable.

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