Originally Posted By: tomtuttle
LOL Jorge!

Who's doing the soundtrack for the Minnesota Mule franchise?

I'll be drafting a letter to Warren Haynes as soon as I get a chance. Now for your daily report from "the Banks of the Deep End".

The mule and calf have reached an uneasy peace. We moved the herd to a new pasture and I built a spot in the electric fence where the calf can run under without getting a shock. (The mule can't) The calf now runs straight to that spot in the fence and jumps out into the soybean field. He stands their bawling for his mama-but at least he doesn't have to run for his life and he's too young to graze down the beans.

M22's, VP150, QS4's, HK 630, HSU VTF3-MKII