Well, the analog sunset isn't so bad, provided you already own equipment with component outs. It just sets the date for when no new players can be made with component video connections. So as long as your player keeps working you can keep using the component video, just don't expect new players to still have them.

The ICT (Image Constraint Token) is something that has already be included in any Blu-ray player with component connections. At any time, a disc maker can include a token on the disc which says, "the image output over an analog connection must be constrained to SD resolution only". So while you're getting a good picture over component now, any time in the future (people are saying December 2010), discs can start showing up with the ICT set, and you'll only get 480 lines instead of 1080.

Pioneer PDP-5020FD, Marantz SR6011
Axiom M5HP, VP160HP, QS8
Sony PS4, surround backs