Originally Posted By: Postie
They say that the center channel is the heart of a HT system.So I was thinking that maybe the VP 150 or the VP 180 would sound awesome comparing to my AX 1.2's. Question is... are they compatable with my system? Or would it be too much? By the way...Thanks for the link on my Vintage speakers.It makes me think back of when I bought them .

The VP180 is a 4 ohm speaker -- I don't remember how Onkyo receivers handle 4 ohm loads. I know the Onkyos are very well regarded around here otherwise though.

I have run M2/VP100, M60/VP100 and M60/VP180 (but haven't tried M2/VP180 yet). Based on your comments and my own experiences I do think you would get the best "improvement for the $$" by upgrading your mains to M60s..

EDIT - hold on, ignore the above. I somehow missed your AX2+2's last time. Everyone else ignore my previous "M2s and VP100" comment, the AX2+2s are probably more like M50s, so we're talking about M50/VP100/QS8/M2-ish.

Am I correct in assuming that you are running the AX2+2s as mains, and 1.2s as rear surrounds ? If so, then upgrading to VP180 might be the best choice after all. Sorry for the confusion.

Last edited by bridgman; 08/22/10 12:24 AM.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8