Thanks for pointing that out John, somehow I missed that in the last newsletter.

As you noted the outlet is listed but just in a drop-down menu now. However, I did play around with it which is how I came up with the prices I noted.

IMO Axiom doesn’t have enough “factory seconds” to make the outlet work as such. I’m still convinced that if no B-stock became available in the stated time frame they shipped A-stock so maybe they are just making it more specific to just handling true B-stock by putting it up for auction with some sort of minimum bid.

Might have to see if there is anything I need to order tomorrow. wink

I bet this will cause some consternation since a lot of people especially on other forums recommend the outlet but don’t frequent here much and won’t get the word. So people will show up here looking for it and yet another customer service issue will ensue.

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