Here is the review I posted on for the AVR7000.

After having four of these things sent to me, I experienced the same problem with three of them and a different problem with number two of four.

When pausing a DVD or CD, or muting the receiver in any mode EXCEPT stereo mode, the receiver produces a "popping" noise through my speakers. Three, yes, THREE receivers have had this problem--one that I am very reluctant to live with. The other receiver had a problem with the subwoofer output cutting out at volume levels -43dB and -35dB--one click either way on the volume knob and the subwoofer comes back on. From what I've read on this website, this is not the only HK model w/ Dolby Digital/DTS to have this specific "popping" problem.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to what has caused this or any solutions for future buyers? Am I doing something wrong? The last one I got was hooked up line-by-line according to HKs manual only to be disappointed--AGAIN. My opinion now is "Buyer Beware!!!" I sent the last one back to HK's product engineer to be "tested". No one seems willing to give a straight answer, only new receivers with the same problems. If you are hell-bent on purchasing this receiver, there are great deals on the internet for around $950. My suggestion would be to find someone who sells it, and more importantly has one in the store, hooked up and ready to test out.

See you HK. My Sony STR-DA777ES is on the way...

End of review.

Now, I've seen many reviews of HK stuff that are absolutely glowing. On the other hand, I've seen some pretty over the top, "I'm going to kill myself for buying this" reviews, too. I think the root of all the problems HK had during this time were due to one thing--they lost their handle on quality control. Mind you, I had four of these receivers in my home in less than two months. Lemon is really the only fair word that comes to mind. BUT, I'm willing to give HK another shot when it comes time for me to replace my Sony STR-DA777ES--long time before that happens.

On the flip side, I've seen tons of people give Sony nothing but bad reviews, hopefully based on their own personal use. I have had nothing but good luck with all of my Sony products past and present. I've had my STR-DA777ES for 3.5 years with NO problems. HKs AVR7000 listed for $1800 when I bought it, the Sony was $1500. In this instance, I wish I would have bought the Sony and saved myself the headache. But who knows--maybe I would have gotten a Sony with big problems. It's obviously difficult for manufacturers in any industry to attain 100% quality control and consumer satisfaction.

I hope this helps those who wanted to read my take on this. Initially I didn't feel comfortable providing a negative summary of the product.

Thanks for reading.
