Thanks John...I'll put one of my recordings of the Planets with Dutoit and the Montreal Symphony, an outstanding recording, on for comparison. Yes I read that Sutherland had died and she has left a great legacy for us to appreciate. I've been eying her La Sonnambula for a couple of years but haven't decided which of her two recording's to purchase...Callas' recording is also a possibility.

While I have your attention I was thinking about the M22's w/sub which I know you have thing I noticed after my initial post and further listening (this time Beethoven's 7th) was to me a somewhat muffled or less assertive upper mid-range in the M60. My older system which is a satellite + sub system had a wonderful full and open upper mid and high range which I miss in the M60...but it may be too early for me to accurately judge and my expectations need to be tempered to be fair.

I'm thinking that rather than upgrading to M80's which may be better balanced in terms of overall reproduction, that M22's may satisfy my desire to replicate what I am used to in terms of a brighter upper mid-range sound at those frequencies since it has dual 5.25" mid-range woofers and would be a less expensive option. When I first inquired two years ago, Alan responded with this suggestion. I really enjoy my sub's performance to a much higher degree now with the M60's and wonder if M22's would compliment and bring out those same qualities in my sub in the same way? What think ye?