Thank you very much guys. Love the walkie jokes!

I had a really nice dinner with my parents and sister tonight, and just got back to bed.

Funny story for you guys-I got up today for the first time in three weeks and wanted to enjoy a couple movies and listen to some music in my home theater/den. Well, I got to play around for about an hour in the morning, then wanted to watch a movie in the middle of the afternoon after visitors left. Shortly after they left, my Harmony 1000 remote ran out of battery power. Yup, unbelievable smile ! When my best friend and sister called me, we all had a good laugh about it, even though it did kind of suck. And there weren't any walkie's around to help grin !

A few of you guys are friends with me on Facebook, and see me post quotes as my status quite frequently (I love quotes). Anyway, I'll leave you guys with a quote I posted today as my status. It's apropos because I do consider you guys friends.

Thanks again, I appreciate it very much.


"Without friends no one would choose to live, though they had all other goods." -- Aristotle

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.