I'll state the same position I did earlier: If someone giving me a patdown, or even a grope, saves a planeload of people, myself included, who cares?

And I really wouldn't care if it's a man, woman, gay man, gay woman or transgender goat. What they're doing is NOT sexual.

As for the image scanning, how many body outlines would you have to see before it becomes ho-hum? Maybe the 500 that you'll have on your first day? By the end of the first week, I'd be concerned that the people viewing the scans aren't paying ENOUGH attention to them.

Maybe I'm biased because I've worked in a hospital and Joyce still does in her career. Even seeing the REAL thing (not a scan), up close and personal, is not a sexual thing.

I can tell you just from photographing nudes, that I'm thinking about lighting, composition, whether someone will trip over that lightstand.... and that's with a cute girl for a couple of hours.

It's no big thing, people. We all have one. Yours really isn't so special as to entitle the security person to go home at the end of the day thinking about yours...

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::