I would believe in these magic tweaks a lot more if one person, one time would just own up and say "you know, I tried it, it did nothing"... but the closest I ever hear to that is "there was a (slight, minor, small, almost imperceivable) positive impact on the (sound stage, lows, mids, highs, timbre, appearance) after this tweak"... if only one person at one time using something that doesn't conform to the standards of science and physics (we're not talking isolation here - remember all Dynamat claims to do is disperse vibrations through air into heat energy!)... would just stand tall and say "okay, I was rooked, I heard no difference", I could possibly be swayed.

By the way, I've never mentioned "retired sound fellas"... I mentioned retired audio technicians from the world-renowned Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Calling them "sound fellas" is like calling Mother Teresa a dead old lady.

In the end, if you feel your system sounds better after the $1.95 fix, consider it a victory whether or not it's founded in fact... the end result is the same, for a minimum outlay, you feel better about what you hear.

Bren R.