Thanks JohnK & Casey01 for your replies.

I clearly won't be going for a receiver... not with the choice of radio channels here... and also because it does not suit my purpose. I'd prefer audio from original audio cds. I am going to be reviewing the stereo amps of the denons, cambridge audio & Rotel as a start... they have been given good reviews at as well as being on the low cost side. I understand after discussing & researching information from people is that there are some stereo integrated amps which perform considerably better than some pre-pow amp combinations, but only if you have the money you can go for a high performing pre/power amp only doubt is how much should I spend on the amp in relation to the speaker... my guess is that a 100 watt amp is more than enough for the M3s so I should try for a lower one...since this is for a small bedroom. I'll also check out the NADS...

Clovis de Cruz