I had an old Garmin that never failed me. I replaced it a year or so ago with (I think) the Garmin Nuvi 265WT, and that model has made a few mistakes, which I found odd considering the old one never missed a beat.

Coming back from the Axiom gig, it wanted me to get off the main road I was on, to take a different road to get to the one I eventually wanted to be on. When I took the turn, I was surprised to find the new road was a suburban neighborhood, and the road turned to dirt after a 1/4 mile. It wanted me on the road for like 70 miles. Needless to say, I went back to my original route and after it recalculated, it took an hour off my arrival time.

Another time, just a few weeks ago, it wanted me to get off the main route I was on, to take a little street that offshot, paralleling the main road for a 1/16th of a mile, and then joined up with it again. Bizarre.

I still trust them, but not blindly anymore.


Yes, I used to drive blindly.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::