Mark, a quick glance at your thread title made me think that you'd been reading too many of those junk emails that we get(remarkable how they know our deficiencies). Reading on and listening to the clip, however, made me wonder if Mr. Stuart was the one who wasn't playing with a full keyboard. As was mentioned, the bottom and top few keys are of essentially no significance in serious music, and it's terrible to think of the elephants who died for the sake of those useless "ivories". This monster wants to compound the crime.

He's also apparently deficient in his knowledge of the principles of acoustics; there's no more "tremendous amount of energy" in the lowest bass notes than there are in any other notes of equal loudness. Frequency and wave length are unrelated to energy and power requirements, which are simply a function of loudness level. For example, if a big double bass is playing its 41Hz low note at 70dB, and a little violin is playing a note around 410Hz(just a tenth of the wavelength)at 80dB, it takes 10 times as much power to reproduce the violin note.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.