Originally Posted By: CatBrat
I've bought stuff at BB and taken it back, but it was either because I couldn't get it to work right, or I changed my mind and wanted a different one.

After some of the unimaginable crap I have gone through (and loads of others I know), I don't think it's possible to abuse BB or its "system." Especially, since their system includes chronically trying to resell returns that are defective, incomplete, or worse. I can't get back all that travel time or gas.

The salespeople are among the following: habitual liars (I might be too, for $8.75 per hr.) at worst, misinformed (or cognitively challenged) for average, and, if you're lucky, there are the one or two people who actually know anything, and, therefore, are always busy.

I think they suck in general. They are my last resort before, inevitably, I go online. But then, they can do whatever they please, 'cause they're the only game in so many towns.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.