I tried FF with the same poor result a few days ago Peter. I know that the browswer must play a role, after all it's the software that's being used to create the file.

But when I used FF 3.6 to download from http://some-arbitrary-site.com, I got a larger .htm file using a Win 7 system than I did when I used FF 3.6 **for the exact same page** on my Vista box. WTF? Seriously! I know... I didn't buy it either when it was presented to me as the challenge in the first place.

As to the data scraper to be used on the downloaded files, Monarch is the tool of choice.

EDIT: Hold that thought. I didn't realize that I'd been using IE7 on my Vista box. Still, why would downloading the HTML file with one version of a browser, any browser (but in this case say IE), be different? Shouldn't the HTML be dictacted purely by the source - the site in question? Or are content management systems sending out entirely different HTML based on the browser in use at the client side? I think I'm getting warm now...

Last edited by Kruncher; 02/17/11 04:49 AM. Reason: As noted