Thanks for the interesting read on this subject, chess. Since the additional power really doesn't appear to impact the capability of the speakers unless you listen at "paint peeling" levels (I don't), the only real driver to get to a 3803 is more "stuff"; most of which I don't need. Said another way - if you have enough, you don't need more.

I don't know what this means relative to separates. I don't believe the 1803 can add any kind of separate. In fact, I was so awash in detail last year during the pick & choose phase of my HT, I consciously decided to ignore the entire subject of separates.

Your comment piqued my interest, but having confused myself with the last paragraph, I need to ask what is involved with a separate stereo amp and what does it do for me? Does it work separately from or in conjunction with the 1803? I am a neophyte in this particular arena, but would appreciate a bit of the basics. However, if ithe subject is too detailed, don't be too concerned with spending alot of time on it.