Originally Posted By: fredk
the guy before was running a house of prostitution,

I dunno, Fred. That kind of convenience is really hard to find.

Seriously though, if the parking lot of your bldg is where your car was violated last fall, and there's other criminal activity going on there, you probably should leave anyway.

You say the owners are nice. Is it a mgmt. co. that's being the a-hole here? Does your province have any real tenants' rights laws? I'd check it out.

I used such laws to repeatedly screw a shithead landlord. Every time he'd send a rent increase, it didn't come certified mail, like it's supposed to. I got him on that twice in housing court.

And, in cases like this, I think you should have blanket permission to spell out 'fuck,' even in the subject line.


Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.