So much Bobbing going on.

Murph, thanks for taking the time to let everyone see what exactly what a Masshole looks like. (We even have "Masshole" bumper stickers.)

It is the most plain, dull and ubiquitous of all white male names of my generation.

I wish my Mom had caved to my Grandmother's insitence on 'Roberto.' Then again, with sons Alberto, Carmino and Ernesto, she apparently thought all male names should end in 'o.'

Wearing all -black mourning attire for 30 years, to match her mustache, and @ 4'10" x 3'10" she was a dictionary Itai nona.

And to all those who have also changed their names, there's something you should know.

Changing one's name is practically the gayest thing a man can do. (I know. You once had your socks match your tie. Doesn't count. One point if you've ever uttered the words "window treatment.")

At least no one has demanded three names together. Insisting on using all three names is THE gayest thin a man can do. Ya hear me, Anthony Michael Hall?!

P.S. I'm not the one who actually gets to change anything here. That'd be Auggie. And he's only around when I'm sleeping. I've been told he's a massive jerk, but we've never met.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.