Sony has been coy up to this point, though typical of most companies. Companies are always afraid to admit things like credit card breaches until instances of complaints about fraudulent charges start creeping up.

This has the potential of a MASSIVE security breach that could really do damage to Sony.

I prefer the 360 so I don't own a PS3 but if I did use my credit card on PSN network I would take the following safe guards today!

1) Cancel my existing card today.
2) Change email password that is tied to PSN account
3) Call Sony support and inquire how to deal with changing the ID/Password - can you do anything to the account at this moment while the service is offline?
4) Keep an eye out for any phishing attempts through email.
5) Get a 360 and wait for Gears 3. smile

I’m armed and I’m drinking. You don’t want to listen to advice from me, amigo.

-Max Payne