Aha! This thread is now firmly in the hands of hijackers.

Wayne, we need to be clear about something - and I can speak to this with GREAT authority, everybody DOES NOT love Raymond!

I have just finished plowing through 5 seasons of my favorite - Stargate SG-1. Season 6 has been pre-ordered and will be delivered in mid-March, but I am ready to re-start the journey.

I'm finding that my DVD collection is centering around things that I really want to watch more than once. The Rock, Hunt For Red October, Indiana Jones Trilogy and the like.

As an aside, I stumbled across some DVDs called "The Criterion Collection". Short description is that these folks remaster old classics and give incredible results. They run from $50 to $100 each. I saw their version of "Spartacus" and it was stunning.

This whole HT thing has seriously broadened the ability to deeply enjoy movies and music. Remember when there were only B&W TVs? I don't remember myself; my grandmother told me about them. Can you imagine developments over the next 10, 15, 20 years (and the cost of upgrading)?